⚫️ Wet flame

In these fiery drops, in this wet flame, how can one not see the dual germs of imagination, capable of condensing two types of matter! (Bachelard)

My glass bowl is as if a creation has already taken place between matters - heaven and earth, between fire and water. But at the same time - a place for the accomplishment of a new creation from the union of fire and water.
Bachoven shows on the pages of his book that Imagination dreams of Creation as an intimate union of fire and water, possessing their dual power. Union is the basic condition of continuous creation.

My performance is an act of creation. There is a lot of water around me, it falls from the sky and then spreads into rivers, nourishing our earth. I collect this frozen water and connect it with fire, making it flow and by the act of creation from each moment of connection I create drops of water that change the sound, touching the sensors - each drop changes the algorithm of the virtual synthesizer, which is part of the sound performance.

The glass, being between frozen water and fire, gets into a tense state: the fire heats it up, the frozen water cools it down, the glass cracks and bursts from such a connection. It also transmits its "sensations" to the sensors, which sound in the overall sound composition.
Arduino IDE(C++)+Max8+Dexed+VCV Rack

piezoelectric sensors
amplifier on lm386